Experience Big O'L Rusty Servers
The best 100x gaming experience you will get!
For any information needed or any questions or concerns please head over to our discord https://discord.gg/uqbvxEy83Q
This is where you can get updates for any progress with the servers also!!
All the information you will need
All the Latest from. wipes to server updates to general updates. look here to find that out.
Wipe Schedule
As starting we plan to have a
weekly wipe. but this can all change in the upcoming months even years.
Our VIP system
We have FOUR!!! stages of VIP Currently within our servers.
These consist of
[Tier 1] Vip
[Tier 2] Vip+
[Tier 3] Vip Ultra
[Tier 4] Vip Master
The higher the tier the more benefits included!
(For details of what you get head onto the store page!
All purchases go back into the server like our updated CLANS plugin!! )
you can find all prices on our vip buying site
"Imagination rules the world"
Napoleon Bonaparte
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